GAMECIP Metadata Base Element Set and Recommendations
This is a first release of GAMECIP’s metadata element set and usage recommendations for describing computer and video games in institution collections and catalogues. We are proposing a set of 20 elements that should provide (if mostly articulated) a significant foundational description for any game in a collection. The full element set is also available as linked open data (LOD) on the Open Metadata Registry at:
We are also releasing a technical report with the first version of the elements and recommendations (linked at the bottom of this post). Each element is described, along with relevant crosswalks (mappings) to commonly used schemas like, Dublin Core, and MODS. These crosswalks are also linked in the Open Metadata Registry through Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) properties.
The recommendations are intended to provide guidance for embedding our elements into pre-existing schemas. The element set is not intended to be exhaustive, but to provide a reasonable set of descriptive elements that align with current cataloging practices. This is the first version of the schema. Please send your comments our way through the contact form on this site.
Thanks for taking a look and for any future comments!